Commercial Law

We give legal advice to national and international enterprises, medium- and small-sized businesses, agencies as well as to individuals with regard to all business-related matters. For more than ten years we have been at our clients’ disposal at our office situated in Berlin. In international matters our clients benefit from our international organization with its offices in New York and Connecticut


The main area of our consultancy services is within the area of corporate and commercial law. Our clients are mainly active in the field of plant engineering and construction, renewable energies and the provision of services. In addition, agencies from the advertising and creative industries are among our clients, whom we support with both individual advice and an "all-inclusive package".

MHR Verträge / Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

We draft, check and negotiate contracts and General Terms and Conditions on behalf of our clients in German, English and Portuguese. We have extensive experience in foreign business practices and trade customs.

We can advise you on the incorporation and restructuring of your business as well as on the sale or acquisition of an interest in a company (mergers and acquisitions). We can also represent you in shareholders’ meetings, as well as in court.

As your “virtual legal department” we are part of your team.

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As full-service providers, we give reliable advice concerning your ongoing business operations and shape the legal foundations and details of your business so that you can concentrate on actually running your business. We are happy to provide you with our extensive experience and legal expertise for strategic advice.

Furthermore, we provide our clients with legal training based on individual concepts. Our strength is our general comprehension of highly specialized business needs and we are able to mould our training accordingly. As former in-house counsels we have a deep understanding of our clients’ legal department’s concerns and are good at cooperating with them. As a full-service business advisor, we support our clients in building and nourishing business relations and are happy to open our business network to them.

As a full-service business advisor, we support our clients in building and nourishing business relations and are happy to open our business network to them.

More practice areas: Sports Law Real Estate Law Litigation